Ever since the coronavirus pandemic started, more and more people are exploring the possibilities of online events, how they can benefit from them, and what is the best way to make some extra profits and reach a larger audience when you can’t do things in person. In this article, we are going to talk about online movie premieres, what you need to do to make sure this happening is going to be successful, and how to create the best campaign for this. Continue reading if you want to learn some neat tips that will help you out not just with this, but with all of your future events that you want to do via the internet.

1 Think about your program
The first thing you need to do is create a plan and a program. What do you want to achieve with this event, what are your plans, and what are your goals? Think about the budget that you have, and how much money you have to spend on every single thing that is going to happen.
Consider the opening of the premiere, who is going to hold it, how much time they are going to have for the speech, and think about the final words. Do you want to have a specific time for questions, and or do you want to go as simple as possible? Gather inspiration from other online events, and see which is the best way forward for you.
2. Advertise the event
Advertising and marketing are the most important part of every online event, so when you think and plan your movie premiere, you need to reach as many people as possible.
Know that if people don’t know about the happening, they are not going to attend it, so you need to have a good plan. You can start by collaborating with the right influencers, you can also share the happening on social media platforms, and you can do pretty much everything that’s done for standard social media marketing.
If you need any help with this, you can always reach out to professionals, and they can create your campaign. Remember that this part is worth investing in, and you should consider sponsored posts that are going to boost your chances of reaching as many of the needed people as possible.
3. Choose the right platform

Choosing the right platform is crucial for your success, and nowadays, there are a lot of options to choose from. Know that in today’s digital world, you can easily find the right place for you to hold this event, and you don’t have to spend too much time looking.
Know that some of the platforms may be free for you to use, but most of them will require you to spend some money. Currently, social media platforms are really popular for these types of happenings, but they may not provide the best quality or signal strength for everyone.
As you can see on websites like streamdust.tv streaming platforms are another amazing option, and the best thing about this is that you have full control over everything that is going to happen.
Make sure you choose the right platform, because this is the mistake you definitely want to avoid. In case you make the wrong choice, you risk the happening to be a failure and losing a lot of money.
4. Invite the right people
When it comes to advertising, that is crucial for getting a lot of people to learn about your premiere, but when you want to collaborate with specific individuals, you need to personally reach out to them.
Think about who you can benefit from the most, how you can get more profits, and which people are the ones that made this premiere happen.
Create formal letters, or if possible, reach out to them in person, and know that this small step will go a long way. Tell them why you want them to attend your happening, how they can benefit from them, and why their attendance will make the project more successful.
5. Do you want to sell tickets or have a donation?

Now let’s talk about the profits you are going to make. Some people choose for the premiere to be for free, and they have several options so that all the people who attend will be able to make their donations.
Know that if you choose donations, you can have everything set up online even before the big day, and you can start making your profits even before the movie is shown to the audience.
Note that if you don’t want to do this, you can choose to sell tickets, and you will also be able to do all of that via the internet. Let your audience know where they can purchase the tickets, and how much they are going to cost.
Lastly, you can have a combo of both of these things, but know that when someone has to pay for the entrance, they may not be as open for donations as they would be if the entrance was free.
6. Make a website

The last thing that will help you organize a successful event is creating your own website. Know that by doing this, you will be able to let people get acquainted with the program, and you are more likely to reach a bigger audience.
The great thing about today’s digital era is that you don’t have to spend too much money on a site, and there are so many free themes that you won’t even have to add more to the overall costs.
Creating a site is easy, and you don’t have to be tech-savvy to do it. Just make sure you create quality content, and that you combine this part with the advertisement and the marketing campaigns.
These are some of the most important things you need to know about holding an online movie premiere. Know that you can always collaborate with professionals, and you can always gather inspiration from past happenings. Take your time, explore all of your options, and remember that you need to allocate a budget well before you start planning.