The porn business has always been in the shadows of the movie industry, developing alongside regular films, yet today, thanks to providers like Pornhub, finding sex films online has never been easier. If you were to ask the question, “Is watching porn bad for you?”, you would likely receive a diverse range of replies.
Age Appropriate
Of course, no person under the age of 18 should have access to pornography; this is a real issue with many parents, who try their best to block their kids from visiting porn sites, with limited success. The risks of young people watching porn are many; they might assume that all women act like the porn stars, which is obviously very wrong. These movies might also encourage inappropriate behaviour when around the opposite sex, as the young person might not understand that the film is based on fiction and not on real life situations.
An Outlet
There are many single people that watch porn when masturbating, which is a type of release and there’s no harm in that, of course. We are far more open minded today regarding all aspects of sex, with leading suppliers of sex aids such as Secrets Shop, where you can buy a wide range of items to enhance the sexual experience. Couple like to explore with dildos and vibrators and many like to watch their favourite type of porn while doing so, which acts like a stimulant, putting you in the right mood for sex. To conclude, when watching blue movies with your partner with the intention of getting aroused, there is no harm done, while porn is also an acceptable aid for self-masturbation.
Physical Abuse
There are porn movies that victimise the female, often undergoing physical abuse and this is certainly not healthy, as it might encourage similar behaviour, which is definitely not OK. When people are exposed to such things, they either reject it and avoid any futire viewing, or they explore and try to find more extreme porn, which can lead to serious mental health issues. If, for example, you are surfing the Internet looking for porn, the titles are pretty much self-explanatory, so you can usually avoid unsuitable content.
Porn Addiction
Sadly, one can become addicted to watching porn, which is very unhealthy to say the least, and there are qualified counsellors that offer advice in a virtual environment, although some people are embarrassed to talk with a stranger about this topic. This is much like any other addiction, in as much as the person uses it as an escape from reality and with the right treatment, a person’s interest in porn can be reduced. There are online mental health counsellors who can help a person who is addicted to watching porn and they can easily be found with a Google search. The expert helps the person discover the reasons behind the compulsive behaviour and that is usually the start of a healing process, which might take a few sessions with the expert. While on the subject of films, here is a list of movies that broke box office records.
Healthy Use of Porn
In the event two consenting adults like to watch sex films to enhance their own experience, this would be considered healthy and unlikely to lead to anything negative; the same can be said for a single person who wishes to enhance their masturbation experience. Adult films are made for adult viewing and providing the viewers are comfortable with what they are watching, there’s nothing wrong with viewing porn.
The Older Generation’s View
You could generalise and say that people over 50 are very much anti-porn, probably due to their strict upbringing and most will say that sex films are a scourge of society. They might claim that the availability of hardcore porn is the reason why rape is so common in society and they may well have a point, which may also be something that younger people subscribe to.
Porn is a multi-billion dollar industry that is not property regulated and if an online user clicks on the “I am over 18” button, there’s little you can do to stop them from accessing this material. Many feminists are outraged that porn is so freely available and they all agree that these films depict women in a derogatory manner.
Online Filters
If you are the parent of an inquisitive teenager, you will probably try to filter what your child can access on the Internet, which is something we should all do as parents, and while that might have some success, they will likely be able to find online porn if they set their mind on the task. Some family experts say that we need to educate the young regarding porn, rather than simply trying to stop them seeing it and as a parent, it is your job to decide what response you have if the topic should ever arise when talking to their children about this topic.
Harmful to Children
Anyone under the age of 18 should not be able to view pornography in any form and very young children need to be protected. If you have a couple of porn DVDs sitting under the TV, you are advised to put them in a secure place where they cannot be accessed by the kids. Click here for UK government information about pornography and the law.
While most porn is not illegal, there are some films that are illegal; largely due to inappropriate content and should you be found in possession of such material, you might be cautioned and arrested.
Our conclusion is that in many instances, watching porn films is perfectly harmless, providing the viewer is over 18 and is not coerced in any way to view the material, but like most things, there is the potential for harm to occur. The majority of adults understand that the scripts are fictitious and the behaviour is in no way indicative of what we would regard as acceptable social behaviour.