Black Mirror Season 5 Coming In December 2018


Movie News TV Series

Black Mirror, exciting tech drama, will return on Netflix this December. The fifth season of this anthology series, from the creator Charlie Brooker, has been in production this year. Rumor has it that Black Mirror Season 5 will start airing at the end of the year like Season 4, which arrived in full on 29 December.

In the Season 5, set in a world only a few minutes from our own, Black Mirror will upset you and shake it up a little, because viewers will get a chance to make choices on behalf of the characters in the story in one episode. It will be an unrepeatable experience for viewers to explore and use interactive possibilities of Netflix. Choose your own adventure episode idea has been conceived by Brooker as he is a big fan of video games and he wants to create that interactive moment for viewers.

The new Season 5 will return with six exciting, over the top, episodes. Netflix has picked up Black Mirror from the Channel 4 at the end of Season 2, which means this will be the third run of the show for the company. Stay tuned and get a glimpse of future and how technology can be used against its developers and people for whom it has been created, all that in Season 5 of Black Mirror TV Show.

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