As soon as the “Avengers: Infinity War” was dropped out in movie theaters, it was obvious that the fans will starve for the forth part of this extraordinary superheroes saga. Fans are expecting the marvelous return of their favorite heroes. So far, we know the new Avengers movie should be released in 2019, but which superheroes are going to have their big comeback?
Doctor Strange
Amazing Benedict Cumberbatch revealed a bit of the Avengers 4 theme by “complaining” about the difficulty of his lines. He said that he had to talk a lot about Quantum Realm which was not mentioned in Infinity War at all.
Peter Parker will be there for sure as he was seen in the plane while flying to the movie set located in Atlanta. Tom Holland be crawling up walls one more time as a Spider-Man
Scarlet Witch
As per rumors, for Elizabeth Olsen’s character, the things can only get worst then in “Infinity War”. The fourth movie about Avengers will show what the creators had in mind.
Black Panther
The outstanding performance of the Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther (T’Challa) in the third phase could be his advantage for the next Avengers
In the interview for “Collider”, Paul Bettany announced that Vision will raise in the fourth part of the Avengers.
Bucky Barnes

Thanks to the role of Bucky Barns, Sebastian Stan got huge popularity. He has proven his acting skills and the battles in Avengers 4 could not be complete without him.
Janet Van Dyne and Hank Pym
The information about Michelle Pfeiffer and Michael Douglas return in the Avengers 4 came from Sebastian Stan who revealed that he will be filming a scene with those two movie stars.
Nick Fury
In the previous movies, Fury was usually in the background but the next Avengers could be his big comeback. In the interview for “The Independent”, Sebastian Stan mentioned that his character has a scene with Fury.
Loki could be back in some way, maybe as a time-traveler, but not completely. However, photographs behind the scene are showing the great Tom Hiddleston working on his role.
An unexpected member of the Avengers 4 will be Brock Rumlow, known as Crossbones. Frank Grillo confirmed his coming back.
In the interview for, Lilly Evangeline said that she will be in the new move about Avengers, although there are sayings she will not be seen that much.
The Ancient One
Russo Brothers, Anthony and Joseph, wanted Tilda Swinton as The Ancient One for Avengers 4. They succeed to get her only for one day. Never the less, fans are thrilled about her comeback.
Falcon is a potential candidate for new Captain America, even though he is not among the favorite ones. Anthony Mackie will be among the crew for sure
Zoe Saldana is happy to be back and the information about her part in Avengers 4 got out on Instagram. A photo from her in a makeup room was published and the Zoe confirmed her Infinity War line “See you later” wasn’t for nothing.
The other Guardians of the Galaxy

If Gamora is back, can we expect the rest of the team to return as well? Of course that we can, Dave Bautista confirmed. As soon as the new Avengers movie is released, we will know who else he had in mind.
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