Hosting is certainly one of the most important things that you need to think about if you want to have your own website. If you haven’t already created your website, you should find a useful guide on how to create a website. That shouldn’t be too hard. as there are many complete step-by-step guides on how to make an amazing websites, like this detailed guide from mybestwebsitebuilder. You need to pick the right web hosting provider that has the offer that suits you most. Today there are many providers who offer really good service, but the question is which one to choose? Fortunately, we decided to help you with your choice. In the following text that we have prepared for you, you will be able to find out which are the best web hosting providers in 2019 and what is their offer, as well as the cost of hosting for one month for your website. Well, if you’re ready, let’s start.
Think about this before buying a hosting
Big price jump after the promo period
With the intention of attracting as many users as possible, a lot of providers offer great promotional prices. For example, if you choose their service, you pay a very low price. However, in this case, you must commit yourself to use their services in the next few years to make a discount. It may happen that, after the promotional period the prices will increase several times if you still want to use the services of the same provider. If you do not want to continue cooperation, you will have to pay for the transfer of your site. Therefore, it is very important to consider the costs and additional costs that may pose a problem for you.
What “unlimited” really means
Another regular offer of providers is “unlimited” services regardless of bandwidth, sites and disk storage that you use. However, their unlimited offer is actually limited to normal use. So, if your website is pretty basic, then “unlimited” services will be enough for you, but if you are planning a more demanding website, you will probably have to pay a higher price or change your providers to meet the needs of your site.
Watch out for page builders
Most providers offer a page builder service. This feature is pretty good for beginners, but if after a while you decide to change the provider, certain problems may arise because this feature is the property of the service or HTML cannot be transferred.
Migration services are great, mostly
The transfer of a website implies the migration of your site to another provider. This service is usually free or its price is quite low. If you change the provider, it may not be possible to move everything because your site will be adapted to the new hosting.
Dreamhost is a web hosting provider that offers a very good service. If you have a non-profit organization, you will receive a free shared website. Dreamhost uses superfast SSDs, provides SSH access and has a free SSL certificate. If you need help, you have the option of chat and tickets. The price is without the hidden costs we talked about earlier. Of course, the most interesting offer is a refund of money for a period of 97 days if you are not satisfied with their services, so there is no reason not to try. Hosting prices are from $2.59 to $15 per month, depending on the plan you chose.
InMotion Hosting
InMotion also has very good plans. It offers users WordPress support, SSH access, and free backup. If you need help, you can get a 24-7 telephone, chat, email or ticket support. They also have free SSL certificate, free malware detection, SSDs, and basic site migration. If you decide on their plans, you can make certain discounts through the “loyal customer discount” option. In case you are not satisfied, InMotion has the option of refunding the money within 90 days. Prices are from $3.99 to $19.99 per month.
HostGator is a web hosting provider that has services for different needs. It allows you to choose between Linux and Windows hosting. Some of the features provided by HostGator are regular backups and uptime monitoring, SSH as well as free cPanel or Plesk. However, SSDs are not included in all plans. Unlike InMotion and Dreamhost, HostGator offers customers a refund of money within 45 days. Depending on the type of hosting and your needs, the price is from $2.75 to $19.95 per month.
We would recommend Bluehost to anyone using WordPress. In their offer, they also have a migration service that will require additional payment. Certainly, one of the most interesting offers is the daily backups service that is available for the cheapest plans, as well. It should also be said that SSH access is available for some plans. If you need help, you have the option of 24-7 phone support.

1&1 IONOS provides Windows and Linux servers with Plesk and cPanel, just like HostGator. Atom-based and Xeon-based machines, SSDs and free SSL certificates are also available. However, the disadvantage is the increase in costs after the promotional period, but we can not say that the prices of their plans are not transparent. Depending on the plan you choose, prices range from $1.00 to $10.00 per month.
iPage is a web hosting provider that has the cheapest offer. If you want to buy their services, you will have to pay around $ 75 in three years, which means you will have to pay around $2 per month. Of course, after the promotional period, prices will become higher, but at the moment we could not find a more favorable initial offer. In addition to many free services you will get, you have the option of 24-7 telephone support as well as a guarantee within 30 days. iPage is a great solution for all beginners.
SiteGround is the provider that offers the best solutions, first of all for those who own small business. Promotional offers range from $3.95 per month. We would especially like to point out their GoGeek plan that provides users with numerous features. After a promotional period of one year, the prices of services are significantly increased, even more than twice. Some of the features that SiteGround offers are Cloudflare CDN as well as SSDs that are available for all plans.
Web Hosting Hub
Web Hosting Hub has hosting prices of $ 4.99 for a month. This provider is using a WordPress-based BoldGrid as a website builder. They also have SSDs, SSH access, but not for all plans and free website transfer. If you are not satisfied with their services, you have the option of returning the money within 90 days.
LunarPages has a long history in web hosting. They have been operating since 1998. Therefore, it is logical to offer a very wide range of offers for the needs of all users. They also have Linux and Windows plans, as well as AutoSSL and Let’s Encrypt SSL encryption. If you need SSH access, you will have to pay $ 2 per month. Also, malware scan is an option that is not included in the offer and which is additionally paid. All in all, LunarPages is a company with a long tradition of doing business, so it’s reliable.
Web Hosting Pad
Web Hosting Pad is a company that is internationally represented and has servers in the US, Hong Kong, Korea, and Mainland China. When signing up, you can select which location and server you want to use. Initial promotional prices are fairly low and start at $ 1.99 per month, but it will only be present during the promotional period, while later, the price of hosting will increase. The company also offers SSDs in several plans, as well as 24-7 phone support. Like some other providers that we talked about, Web Hosting Pad also have the option of refunding money, but for a period of 30 days.
BigCommerce is actually a SaaS (software-as-a-service) provider, unlike others who are IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service), providers. BigCommerce actually allows you to create an online store with the help of an application. This means that, with their services, you will focus exclusively on your business ventures instead of servers and other things. We would highlight their Pro plan that is not cheap, but it provides you everything you need for a smooth business. First of all, lower prices are the transaction prices, more precisely with the Pro plan they are 2.2%. Otherwise, the Pro plan price is $ 249.95 per month, but you also have a Standard Plan for $ 29.95 per month and the Plus Plan that is $ 79.95 for a month.
GreenGeeks is a company that extremely careful about the environment by using energy generated from renewable sources, in the specific case, the energy of the wind. Of course, it provides you everything you need for your site. For example, even in low-end plans, the company offers SSH and WP-CLI, as well as Git. The required speed is provided by all-SSD infrastructure, and if you need help you can get it at any time via 24-7 phone support. Some of the features that GreenGeeks brings to you is malware detection and free site migration services. If you are unsatisfied with something, you can recover your money within 30 days. Hosting prices start at $ 3.95 but after the promotional period the price rises.
In short, GlowHost has an offer for everyone. If you need FFmpeg, SHOUTcast or podcast hosting, they will provide this. Like GreenGeeks, they also run their services with the help of wind energy. In their offer, you will surely find a plan that suits your needs, even if you are an entrepreneur. Another feature of hosting through GlowHost is 24/7 support throughout the year, but also a period of 91 days when you can return your money if you still consider that GlowHost is not for you and does not meet all your needs. It should be pointed out that the company has 18 data centers in the world.
We have to say immediately that with MochaHost you get the possibility of recovering money for a period of 180 days that is truly incredible. Another incredible fact that can force you to choose MochaHost is that the company does not change prices after the promotional period. In addition to 24/7 free support, MochaHost also offers free SSL certificates and domain names. You will also get 500 free templates with the website builder function. However, one drawback is that the company has no SSD offer for low-budget plans. If you are more focused on business, this company also has a solution to these requirements as it provides Java Tomcat hosting and Java VPS. All in all, there is no reason not to try MochHost because you have a huge 180 days to carefully consider their capabilities.
You can conclude from the name of this Lithuania-based company that it is a web hosting provider. Hostinger is a large company with experience in hosting since 2004. To date, there are 29 million users willingly talking about the reliability of this provider. Hostinger has a large selection of plans, and even for those low-budget, SSH access is available. They also have SSD infrastructure as well as regular backups to offer for some more expensive plans. One thing that fascinated us is the incredibly low price you pay monthly, which is only 80 cents. However, after a one-year promotional period, prices will increase. In case you need help, you will receive it at any time via 24/7 support. You also have the option of returning the money within 30 days.
More information about website hosting
There are some other hosting services like cloud hosting, reseller hosting or WordPress hosting.
Cloud hosting allows you to increase storage space and thus ensure the smooth development of your web site.
Hosting reseller is a type of web hosting where the package owner has the ability to allocate hard drive space and bandwidth for hosting third-party pages with a fee.
WordPress hosting allows you to create a website at your own convenience using a number of plug-ins and templates. Currently, WordPress is the largest platform that runs a large number of web sites on the Internet.
E-commerce hosting is another type of hosting that offers you with e-commerce options as well as an email server with standard web hosting options. This type of hosting is commonly used by entrepreneurs and companies that operate online.